Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Well, things are still going on the diet part but pretty lousy in the job part or the exercise part. I am not sure why that is but I am hoping to fight against that. I want a job, but if I can finish the edits soon I can send off my novel to an Agent and see where that gets me.

As for exercise... well, tossing Jess has got a good deal of exercise value. Maybe I can start doing some walking. I really need to do something to help myself feel better, but I just don't seem to have much in the way of motivation. So it goes.

I need to get that going.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Week in Review

Not a bad week for Weight Watchers. I pretty much stayed in points and this was the week of Hobbitpalooza, where I ate all day, but all told I did lose 2 pounds. That takes my weight down 16 from where I was when I completely lost it. I made it back under 250, finally, and am at 249, which is pretty cool. So the Weight Watchers is working. It feels slow, but it is moving.

I need to exercise more, which will have an effect on my eating and on my weight loss, though its biggest effect will be to my health. Getting out of breath doing a lot of nothing is very frustrating, but then again after I left the Military I let myself collapse. Add to that the HRT and there you go. It is weird though that when I do Tai Chi, I have a lot of issues with the exercise portion of things but once I get into the teaching or the sparring I am fine and can do a hell of a lot more than I can otherwise. Odd and probably related to the Martial Arts mindset. I really need to get off my fat but shrinking ass as do something. Well, the VA has me slated to see KT, so that might help.

One thing I have noticed is that I have been feeling a bit discontent and I'm not sure why. It is probably related to feeling like I haven't done anything with my life as of late. I have done a lot and have written a huge amount which is only making my style better, which can get me to be able to crank out good work. We'll see how that goes. I guess I am mainly restless and there doesn't seem to be a rhyme nor reason why I feel that way. Hopefully I'll figure it out at some point.

Still no work, which sucks. I want a job that is decent and pays me well and can allow me to keep writing. Is that too much to ask? Honestly...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dishpan hands and folders elbow

I have done a lot of housework today, mostly in the realms of laundry (washing, drying,folding and putting away) as well as dishes, including some of the hand washing. I am still not a fan of chores and would far rather do anything but them, but since I am the nearest thing to healthy that is here, it all falls to me. Kind of sucks.

I really am not a big fan of household chores. There are thousand of things I would rather do than those damn chores that never end. It just bugs me as there is no hope. I did them yesterday, I did them today and I will do them tomorrow. Unless I got wealthy enough to hire a maid full time, those tasks have to be done and often by me. Sometimes the tedium of daily life just gets to me.

I know it is part of the code of Sangha to get past these things and find joy and contentment in these tasks, as you are doing something for others, but that still doesn't take care of the fact that I really don't like doing these things. But then again... it is all chop wood, carry water after all.

Man there is no winning sometimes. Sheesh.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Le sigh

Well, the diet thing is going well and I am eating better. I only lost 1 pound in the last week and that is a bit disheartening. I am wondering what is going on with my metabolism. Here's hoping that this week works better.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Life has been crazy and I have been doing a lot of writing, sorry.

Lets see, I am managing to do more exercising off and on, which is a good thing. Weight Watchers is going well. the house is clean more often than not and things are going well. So not much there.

My current weight is 252, so that is a 13 pound drop from my recent high of 265. I am just looking forward to being under 250 again. Granted the weight loss is not going very quick at the moment, but I figure that has more to do with lack of exercise kicking my metabolism up than anything else. If I can up that, by exercising everyday at least a little, than I think my metabolism will do more and have a bigger impact on my health. It can't hurt... right?

As for work... I had my phone interview for Verizon and I have no idea yet where I stand. I thought I gave a good interview, but I am not sure. If I passed this I apparently have an in person interview. I would really like the job as it has awesome benefits and the pay is great. However, I am basically at the point where income is good and that's it.

So there you have it... what I have been up to.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday

Well, I am certainly doing better today. I have not been nauseous at all, which is a good thing. I have done well with points and even made a really kick ass pasta sauce with three huge cloves of garlic, onions and canned tomatoes. It was yummy and had a nice kick after I was done seasoning it. Had it over penne with foccia. Tasty. I did pretty well this week, ending with flex points left over and everything. How cool is that?

So I am kind of looking forward to the weigh in tomorrow. I do hope that I have managed to lose those 3 pounds I gained back and then some. That would certainly make me feel better. Tomorrow's dinner though is going to be a free meal as it is Seder and I want to have all of the tastiness as well as my wine. So that should be fun. If I am good the rest of the week I should still lose.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The day of suck

The Weight Watchers is still going well and I made a lovely discovery... 2 pieces of sushi are 1 point. So I can go to the all you can eat place and eat all I can. I like that idea. Can't have too many rolls as they are higher in points but just straight sushi is pretty cheap. Big fan there.

Today has sucked because I have been sick all day, having vomited earlier. This is not a good thing and I am hoping that I can eat more later. The Chicken Noodle soup I had is not sitting well, so maybe I can't eat today... bleach.