Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dishpan hands and folders elbow

I have done a lot of housework today, mostly in the realms of laundry (washing, drying,folding and putting away) as well as dishes, including some of the hand washing. I am still not a fan of chores and would far rather do anything but them, but since I am the nearest thing to healthy that is here, it all falls to me. Kind of sucks.

I really am not a big fan of household chores. There are thousand of things I would rather do than those damn chores that never end. It just bugs me as there is no hope. I did them yesterday, I did them today and I will do them tomorrow. Unless I got wealthy enough to hire a maid full time, those tasks have to be done and often by me. Sometimes the tedium of daily life just gets to me.

I know it is part of the code of Sangha to get past these things and find joy and contentment in these tasks, as you are doing something for others, but that still doesn't take care of the fact that I really don't like doing these things. But then again... it is all chop wood, carry water after all.

Man there is no winning sometimes. Sheesh.

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