Sunday, September 4, 2011


So, I started classes at 256 and tomorrow I will weigh myself. I have been a hell of a lot more active this week, walking to and from the car as well as doing Chi Gong and Tai Chi 2x a week. That will be good for me. The other plan I had, of swimming on MWF didn't happen because of the neck surgery I had. That threw a wrench into the works. This coming week I am hoping to up my exercise and reduce my eating.

I know that for the last week I have been eating more because of surgery and it was helping with recuperation. However I can already tell that my hunger has down shifted back to normal, for which I am pleased. Now if I can get exercise and eating back on track I am hoping to lose about 8-10 lbs a month this semester. That would be great and I would really love that. Dropping 32-40 pounds will have a huge effect on my health. I want to succeed at that. like a whole hell of a lot.

My shoulder doesn't hurt as much anymore, thanks to the RF treatments. This enables me to exercise more and hopefully get more done. I am a big fan of this. Here is hoping I get healthier and healthier.

Cindy said that she was going to exercise as well and I have hopes for the both of us, so that we can be healthy and around for along time.

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